When the partys over Billie Eilish

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Rocky
    19 ulubionych
DFon't yoa u know I'Cm no good for yoFu?
IF've learnt to loase, yCou can't affoFrd too
FTore my sahirt toC stop you blFeeding
BuFt nothina g ever stCops you Fleaving

QuFiet when I'm comia ng home, IC'm on my oFwn
d I could lie and say I a like it like that, Clike it like that  F 
d I could lie and say I a like it like that, Clike it like that  F 

FDon't you a know too muCch alFready?
I'llF only hura t you if yoCu letF me
CFall me friaend, bCut keep me clFoser
And I'Fll call you a when the Cparty's Fover

QuieGt when I'm ca oming home, IC'm on my oFwn
d I could lie and say I a like it like that, Clike it like that  F 
d I could lie and say I a like it like that, Clike it like that  F 

d But nothing is a better, someCtimes  F 
d Once we have a said our goodCbyes F 
GLet's, let it Fgo
GLet me let you Fgo

FQuiet when I'm coming hoame, I'm onC my oFwn
d I could lie and say I like a it like that, Clike it like tFhat

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