Perfect Ed Sheeran

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I found a Glove for e me
Darling, just Cdive right in
And follow my Dlead
Well, I found a Ggirl
Beautie ful and sweet
I never Cknew you were the someone
Waiting for mDe

Cause we were just kids
When we Gfell in love
Not knowing e what it was
I will not Cgive you up this Gti___Dme

But darling, just Gkiss me slow
Your heart is e all I own
And in your Ceyes you're holding Dmine

Baby, e I'm Cdancing in the Gdark
With Dyou between my e arms
CBarefoot on the Ggrass
DListening to our e favorite song
When you Csaid you looked a Gmess
I whispered Dunderneath my e breath
But you Cheard it
Darling, Gyou look Dperfect tonight  G 

G e C D
Well, I found a Gwoman
Stronger than e anyone I know
She shares my Cdreams I hope that someday
I'll share her Dho_____me
I found a Glover
To carry e more than just my secrets
To carry Clove
To carry children of our Down

We are still kids, but we're Gso in love
Fighting e against all odds
I know that Cwe'll be alright this Gti___Dme

Darling, just Ghold my hand
Be my girl, e I'll be your man
I see my Cfuture in your Deyes

Baby, e I'm Cdancing in the Gdark
With Dyou between my e arms
CBarefoot on the Ggrass
DListening to our e favorite song
When I Csaw you in that Gdress
Looking so Dbeautiful
I e don't deCserve this
Darling, Gyou look Dperfect tonight G 

G e C D

Baby, e I'm Cdancing in the Gdark
With Dyou between my e arms
CBarefoot on the Ggrass
DListening to our e favorite song
I have Cfaith in what I Gsee
Now I know DI have met an e angel in Cperson
And Gshe looks Dperfect tonight G 

G e C D

I e don't deCserve this
GYou look Dperfect Gtonight

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