Till there was you The Beatles

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Redakcja
    1 ulubiony
words: founded in thin site music: acoustic


F B7/9- (1) g C7/9

F B7/9- (1)
There were bells on a hill
But I ng ever heard them rb inging
No I nFever ha eard thgisem at g all C7/9    
Till there was yoFg    C7/9    

F B7/9- (1)
There were birds in the sky
But I ng ever saw them wb inging
No I nFever sa aw thgisem at g all C7/9    
F B7/9- (2)
Till there was you

Then there was mB usic b  and wonderful rFoses
D g Gm7+ G7 C7 (2) C7/5+
They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and you

F B7/9- (1)
There was love all around
But I ng ever heard it sb inging
No I nFever ha eard gisit at g all C7/9    
Till there was yoFg    C7/9    

Then the solo. It's played by two guitars, so I tried to merge the lines

F B7/9- (1) g

---6-8-6-|-8-6-8-6-|-- -10-|-8--7---|-6--|-5----|-1-1---|-----|
---6-6-6-|-6-6-6-6-|-- -10-|-5--4---|-3--|-5----|-----1-|-----|
-6-6-6-6-|-6-6-6-6-|-- -10-|-5--4---|-3--|-3----|-------|-2---|
---------|---------|-10-- -|-7--6---|-5--|-5----|-------|-----|
b F a gis g C7/6 F

B7/9- (2) Then there was

mB usic b  and wonderful rFoses
D g Gm7+ G7 C7 (2) C7/5+
They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and you

F B7/9- (1)
There was love all around
But I ng ever heard it sb inging
No I nFever ha eard gisit at g all C7/9    
Till there was yoFu

C E C7 (1) F Cis F F7+
Tiiiiiill there was youuuuuuuuuuuuu

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