Starsza Strunowa
Karma: 438
  • Urodzona: 31 lat temu
  • Lokalizacja: łódź
  • Przesłanie dla Świata: Deloi moi!
Tytuł utworu Wykonawca Data
Born to rock Quiet Riot 16 lat temu
Bang your head Quiet Riot 16 lat temu
Bad Boy Quiet Riot 16 lat temu
Back to the coast Quiet Riot 16 lat temu
Afterglow Quiet Riot 16 lat temu
Wonderful Ashatni 16 lat temu
Winter Wonderland Ashatni 16 lat temu
When a man does wrong Ashatni 16 lat temu
What's luv Ashatni 16 lat temu
We wish u a Merry Christmas Ashatni 16 lat temu
Unfoolish Ashatni 16 lat temu
U say, I say Ashatni 16 lat temu
Turn it up Ashatni 16 lat temu
True love never dies Ashatni 16 lat temu
Touch my body Ashatni 16 lat temu
Time of year Ashatni 16 lat temu
This Christmas Ashatni 16 lat temu
The way that i love you Ashatni 16 lat temu
the sugar shack (skit) Ashatni 16 lat temu
the story of 2 Ashatni 16 lat temu