I Can't Remember Alice In Chains

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  • Tekst piosenki sówka-pójdźka
    1 ocena
Turn around you say
'Scuse the 'tude but I haven't eaten today
And my eyes are turning grey
What's your name?

I can't remember... I can't remember

Bring me down you try
Feel the pain and keep it all in till you die
Without eyes you cannot cry
Who's to blame?

I can't remember... I can't...

Remember identity, the visions in my mind from
Screamin' at me
And mama, mama, ooh...my angry brains of infancy
Knocked down but I have enough hate to breathe

down your throat and steal your energy
You took everything but my will to be
Now the loss of your god won't make me bleed

I am alive

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