All On My Own anna nalick

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Redakcja
CI've got this fee eling
a I could sail across the uGniverse
FAt least across the ceDiling
If I triCed
But there's a thoe usand little thia ngs
To rub the dGust from off my wFings
So I am baDrely
GAny more than veFry stationaGry

AGll on my own
I don't tFhink that I'd have faCired so well
GAll on my own
I don't tFhink that I'd have faiCred so well

SComebody's drie ving
a From the backseat of your Gmind
And they deFcide you've smDiled enough
They roll your cGar with blatant disrDegard for those
WChose arms were molded
a By heaven just to hGold you
And we'll aFll be there to hDold you
GThrough the ugly days
And thFat's when you'll sGay

GAll on my own
I don't tFhink that I'd have faCired so well
GAll on my own
I don't tFhink that I'd have faCired so-

a It all fGeels somd ething like the ba ends
Because it's aClwaGys ud p and down aa gain
And you can't aClwaGys
You can't aClwGayCs...

CWell I can te ell
a That this is gonna hurt like hGell
But there's just somFething 'bout surDviving
That can make a pGerson feel alive and
GAll on my own
I don't tFhink that I'd have faCired so well
GAll on my own
I don't tFhink that I'd have faCired so well

GAll on my own
I don't tFhink that I'd have faCired so well
GAll on my own
I don't tFhink that I'd have faCired so well

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