Shredded Humans Cannibal Corpse
Tekst piosenki
.Early hours, open road, family of five-on their way home
Having enjoyed a day in the sun, their encounter with gore has just begun
A homicidal fool not knowing left from right, now has the family in his sight
Trying to perceive if he's blind or insane, he steers his car into the other lane
Both of them collide, expressions horrified
Head on at full speed, the vultures will soon feed
The father of three was impaled on the wheel, as his skull became part of the dash
His eyeballs ejected his sight uneffected, he saw his own organs collapse
His seatbelt was useless for holding him back, it simply cut him in two
Legs were crushed, out leaked puss as his spinal cord took off and flew
The mother took a flight through the glass, and ended up impaled on a sign
Her intestines stretched from the car down the road for a quarter of mile
Fourth child on the way, won't live another day
Fetus on the road, with mangled little bones
Little children fly, not a chance to wonder why
Smashed against the ceiling, all their skin burning and peeling
Schards of glass explode, chest and skull now implode
Corpses they've become, and graves will have to be dug
.Underneath the wheels, burning rubber on your face
Bleeding from your eyes, the slaughtered victim lies
Knowing what he's done, he just backs up one more time
Laughing at the mess, a pile of meat on the street
One child left slowly dying now, arteries gushing blood
Now it's time to feed on flesh, the gore has just begun
Early hours, open road, family of five-on their way home
Having enjoyed a day in the sun, their encounter with gore has just begun
A homicidal fool not knowing left from right, now has the family in his sight
Trying to perceive if he's blind or insane, he steers his car into the other lane
.The look of death in my eye
Surely no-one survive
Just a pile of mush
Left to dry in the sun
I see my fresh kill
Left in the road
Remains of your body
Mangled and torn
One child left slowly dying now, arteries gushing blood
Now it's time to feed on flesh, the gore has just begun
Having enjoyed a day in the sun, their encounter with gore has just begun
A homicidal fool not knowing left from right, now has the family in his sight
Trying to perceive if he's blind or insane, he steers his car into the other lane
Both of them collide, expressions horrified
Head on at full speed, the vultures will soon feed
The father of three was impaled on the wheel, as his skull became part of the dash
His eyeballs ejected his sight uneffected, he saw his own organs collapse
His seatbelt was useless for holding him back, it simply cut him in two
Legs were crushed, out leaked puss as his spinal cord took off and flew
The mother took a flight through the glass, and ended up impaled on a sign
Her intestines stretched from the car down the road for a quarter of mile
Fourth child on the way, won't live another day
Fetus on the road, with mangled little bones
Little children fly, not a chance to wonder why
Smashed against the ceiling, all their skin burning and peeling
Schards of glass explode, chest and skull now implode
Corpses they've become, and graves will have to be dug
.Underneath the wheels, burning rubber on your face
Bleeding from your eyes, the slaughtered victim lies
Knowing what he's done, he just backs up one more time
Laughing at the mess, a pile of meat on the street
One child left slowly dying now, arteries gushing blood
Now it's time to feed on flesh, the gore has just begun
Early hours, open road, family of five-on their way home
Having enjoyed a day in the sun, their encounter with gore has just begun
A homicidal fool not knowing left from right, now has the family in his sight
Trying to perceive if he's blind or insane, he steers his car into the other lane
.The look of death in my eye
Surely no-one survive
Just a pile of mush
Left to dry in the sun
I see my fresh kill
Left in the road
Remains of your body
Mangled and torn
One child left slowly dying now, arteries gushing blood
Now it's time to feed on flesh, the gore has just begun

Nazywam się koneh slyvia Miss, Jak szept modlitwy mojej nocy i udał się do poszukiwania przyjaciela na miłe natknąłem kontaktu, mój umysł i moje serce powiedział mi, do skontaktowania się z przyjaźni, przyjaciela, który w pełni zrozumieć jego przyjaciel i razem dzielą się swoimi uczuciami. proszę łaskawie przyjąć mój wniosek, uważam, że odległość lub wiek nie może być barierą, ale niech miłość łączy nas, ponieważ miłość jest most, który połączony oddali się blisko siebie, wyślę moje zdjęcia od razu i otrzymać odpowiedź na mój adres e-mail
Twój In Love,
Nice To Meet You,
My name is Miss slyvia koneh, As I whisper my prayer tonight and went into search for a nice friend at I came across your contact,My mind and my heart told me to contact you for friendship, A friend who truly understand his or her friend and share their feelings together. please kindly accept my request, I believe that distance or age can never be a barrier but let's love connect us because love is a bridge that connected far distance to be close to each other, I will send my pictures to you immediately i receive your reply at my email address
yours In Love,