Soldier of Fortune Deep Purple

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę kolair
    24 ulubione
g d C g

(Zwr. 1)
I have goften told you stories
FAbout the way
I lgived the life of a drifter
d waiting for the day
When I'g;d take your hand and sing you songs
Then mFaybe you would say
gCome lay with me and love me
d And I would surely stay


  BBut I feeCl I'm growingg older
DisAnd the songsF that I have sungB 
EDcho in the digstance
Like the soFund
Of Ba windmill goinDisg round
c-mol d
Guess I'll always be
A soldier of fgortune.


g C g C
g B C g

(Zwr. 2)
Many tgimes I've been a traveller
I loFoked for something new
In days of ogld when nights were cold
d I wandered without you
gBut those days I thought my eyes
FHad seen you standing near
gThough blindness is confusing
dIt shows that you're not here.


B  But I Cfeel I'm growging older
DisAnd the songsF that I have sungB 
EDcho in the digstance
Like the soFund
Of a wBindmill going rDisound
c-mol d
Guess I'll always be
A soldier of fgortune.

Yes, DisI can hear the sFound
of a wiBndmill goingDis round
c-mol d
I guess I'll always be
a soldier of fgortune.
I gDisuess I'lFl always be
a soldier of fGortune.

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