Dying Hole

Tekst piosenki

  • Tekst piosenki sówka-pójdźka
You've seen the cripple dance
Pay me your money, baby, now's your chance
Your lies/eyes like cyanide
I am so dumb
Just beam me up
I've had it all forever
I've had enough
Remember, you promised me
I'm dying, I'm dying please
I want to, I need to be
Under your skin
Our love is quicksand
So easy to drown
They steal the gravity, yeah
From moving ground
Remember, you promised me
I'm dying, I'm dying please
I want to, I need to be
Under your skin
And now I understand
You leave with everything
You leave with everything I am
In the rain
And I know that love is dead
You come to bury me
There's nothing left here to pretend
Then it fades
Remember, you promised me
I'm dying, I'm dying please
I want to, I need to be
Under your skin
I'm dying, I'm dying please
I'm dying, I'm dying please
I'm dying, I'm dying please
Under your skin
Under your skin

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  • Anonimowy Użytkownik
    jeżeli ktoś posiada chwyty do tego kawałka, błagam o przesłanie! uwielbiam tę piosenkę, niestety po kilku próbach, nadal nie potrafię dobrać akordów...

    · Zgłoś · 18 lat