Bleeding Out Imagine Dragons

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Redakcja
    27 ulubionych
 e I'm bleeding ouCt
So if the Glast thing that I Ddo
Is e bring you doCwn
I'll Gbleed out for Dyou
So I e bare my skin
And I Ccount my sins
And I Gclose my eyes and I Dtake it in
I'm e bleeding oCut
I'm Gbleeding out for yDou
For e you
When the e day has Ccome
That I've Glost my way Daround
And the e seasons Cstop
And Ghide beneath the Dground
When the e sky turns Cgrey
And Geverything is Dscreaming
I will e reach Cinside
Just to Gfind my heart is Dbeating
Oh you e tell me to Chold on
Oh you Gtell me to Dhold on
But e innocence is Cgone
And Gwhat was right is Dwrong
Cause I'm e bleeding ouCt
So if the Glast thing that I Ddo
Is e bring you dCown
I'll Gbleed out for Dyou
So I e bare my skin
And I Ccount my sins
And I Gclose my eyes and I Dtake it in
I'm e bleeding Cout
I'm Gbleeding out for Dyou
For e you

When the e hour is Cnigh
And Ghopelessness is Dsinking in
And the e wolves all Ccry
To Gfill the night with Dhollering
When your e eyes are Cred
And Gemptiness is Dall you know
With the e darkness Cfed
GI will be your Dscarecrow
e You tell me to Chold on
Oh you Gtell me to Dhold on
But e innocence is Cgone
And Gwhat was right is Dwrong

Cause I'm e bleeding Cout
So if the Glast thing that I Ddo
Is e bring you Cdown
I'll Gbleed out for Dyou
So I e bare my skin
And I Ccount my sins
And I Gclose my eyes and I Dtake it in
I'm e bleeding Cout
I'm Gbleeding out for Dyou
For e you

Cause e I'm bleeding Cout
So if the Glast thing that I Ddo
Is e bring you Cdown
I'll Gbleed out for Dyou
So I e bare my skin
And I Ccount my sins
And I Gclose my eyes and I Dtake it in
I'm e bleeding Cout
I'm Gbleeding out for Dyou
For e you

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