They don't know about us One Direction

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Veronica
    22 ulubione

*Solo guitar

F(7+)People say we schColudn't be together
GWe're too youna(7) g to know about forever
FBut I say theCy don't knGow what they talk talk talking about

FCause this love iCs only getting songer
GSo I don'a(7) t wanna wait any longer
FI just wannCa tell the world that yoGur mine girl



They don't know aboFut the thingCs we do
They don't know abGout the I loa(7) ve you's
But I bet you if they Fonly knew   C 
They would jusGt be jealous of us
They don't know aFbout the uCp all night's
They don't know I'G;ve waita(7) ed all my life
Just to find a love thaFt feels thCis right

GBaby they don't know about
They don't know about us


FJust one touch and IG was a belver
GEvery kiss it geta(7) s a little sweeter
FIt's gettinCg better
GKeeps getting better all the time girl


The don't know abFout the thiCngs we do
They don't know Gabout thea(7) I love you's
But I bet you if theFy onlCy knew
They would juGst be jealous of us
They don't know aboFut the up Call night's
They don't know I'G;ve waitea(7) d all my life
Just to find a love that fGeels thiCs right

GBaby they don't know about
They don't know about us


FThey don't knoCw how special you are
GThey don't know what ya(7) ou've done to my heart
FThey can say anythingC they want
GCause they don't know about us

FThey don't know Cwhat we do best
GThat's between me and a(7) you our little secret

FBut I wanna tellC'em
I wanna tell the worldG that your mine girl


They don't know abouFt the  thCings we do
They don'y know abGout the I a(7) love you's
But I bet you if they Fonly knew     C 
They would juGst be jealous of us
They don't know aboFut the up alCl night's
They don't know I'G;ve waited AM(7)all my life
Just to find a love thatF feels this riCght

GBaby they don't know about
They don't know about us

*Solo guitar

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