Apologize OneRepublic

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący Tonacja c
    35 ulubionych
Pierwsza zwrotka
I'm holda ing on your rope,
Got me tFen feet off the Cground  G 
And I'm a hearing what you say but I Fjust can't make a Csound     G 
You tela l me that you need me
FThen you go and cut me dCown, but waGit
a You tell me that you're sorry
FDidn't think I'd turn arCound, and saGy...

That it's a too late to apologFize, it's Ctoo lateG 
I said it's a too late to apologFize, it's Ctoo lateG 

a F C G

Druga zwrotka
a I'd take another chance, take a Ffall
Take a shot for Cyou     G 
And I a need you like a heart needs a Fbeat
But it's nothing Cnew - yeah yGeah

I a loved you with the fire Fred-
Now it's turningC blue, and you sGay...
a "Sorry" like the angel hFeaven let me think was Cyou
But GI'm afraid...

It's a too late to apologFize, it's Ctoo lateG 
I said it's a too late to apologFize, it's Ctoo lateG 

Whoaa a ohhh.F..  C    G 
a F C G

It's a too late to apologFize, it's Ctoo lateG 
I said it's a too late to apologFize, it's Ctoo lateG 
I said it's a too late to apologFize, yCeah-  G 
I said it's a too late to apologFize, yCeah-  G 

I'm a holding on your rope, got me Ften feet... off the Cground...

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