Red Taylor Swift

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    16 ulubionych
Lovin' him is like,G drivin' a new Maserati
DDown a dead end Astreet  A 
GFaster than the wind, passDionate as sin
Ended so suddenAly       A 
Loving him is like, Gtryin' to change your mind
Once you're Dalready flying through theA free fall
Like the Gcolors in autumn soD bright
Just before they Alose it all

Losing him was Gblue, like I'd never Dknown
Missing him was Adark grey, all aloh ne
Forgetting him was Glike trying to know someDbody
You never Amet
But loving him was Gred
Re ee Ded, rAe ee ed, re ee ed
Lovin' him was Gred
Re ee Ded, rAe ee ed, re ee ed

Touching him was like, Grealizing all you ever Dwanted
Was right there in Afront of you
Memorizing him was as, Geasy as knowin' all the Dwords
To your old favorAite song
Fighting with Ghim was like tryin' to solve a
Crossword and Drealizing there's no right aAnswer
Regretting him was like Gwishing you never found Dlove
But love could be thatA srong

Losing him was Gblue, like I'd never Dknown
Missing him was Adark grey, all aloh ne
Forgetting him was Glike trying to know someDbody
You never Amet
But loving him was Gred
Re ee Ded, rAe ee ed, re ee ed
Lovin' him was Gred
Re ee Ded, rAe ee ed, re ee ed

Remembering him comes in h flashbacks and ecAhos
Tellin' myself it's Gtime now gotta lDet go
But moving on from h him is impossible
When DI still see it all in myG, head
And burning Gred   D      A 
Loving him wasG reeeDeed  A 

Oh losing him was Gblue, like I'd nDever known
Missing him was Adark grey, allh alone
Forgetting him was Glike tryin' to know someDbody
You never Amet
Cause loving him was Gred
DYeah, yeah,A red
Oh Burning GreeeeDeeeeAd

And that's GWhy he's spinnin' 'Dround in my head
AComes back to me, burnin' red  G 
YeDah, yeaAh

His love was like, Gdrivin' a newD Maserati
Down a dead endA street.

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