74-75 The Connels

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę mohamed
    22 ulubione
FGot noC reason forF coming to me and tChe rain runniGng down.
There's no rFeason.  C 
FAnd thCe same voicea coming to me like itG's all slowFin' down.
Anad bCelieve me -G 

  I was the a one who let you Cknow
  I was your sGorry-ever-Fafter.
  seventy-fa our, seventy-fCive G 
  Giving me ma ore and I'll defCy
  Cause you're reGally only aFfter
  seventy-fa our, seventy-fCive G 

FIt's notC easy, nothing to saFy 'cause itC's already Gsaid.
It's never Feasy.C 
WhFen I loCok on yoaur eyeGs then I fiFnd that I'll do fine.
When I laook on youCr eyes then I'll doG better.

  I was the a one who let you Cknow
  I was your sGorry-ever-Fafter.
  seventy-fa our, seventy-fCive G 
  Giving me ma ore and I'll defCy
  Cause you're reGally only aFfter
  seventy-fa our, seventy-fCive G 

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Ocena czytelników: Niczego sobie+ 10 głosów
  • Kathera
    F C F C G F
    Got no reason for coming to me and the rain running down.
    C a
    There's no reason.
    F C F C G F
    And the same voice coming to me like it's all slowin' down.
    C G
    And believe me

    refren jest dobrze ;3

    · Zgłoś · 10 lat
  • Monia
    Got no reason powinno byc : F C
    for coming to : F Coś to nie tak !!

    · Zgłoś · 17 lat