I Found A Boy Adele

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I thought I Atold you, he'd be homeE soon
Couldn't help mAyself, you're too good to beE true.
I fall short each Atime, every time he ain't hEere,
You and your charm creep clAoser, closer in heEre.
Like a fool for fire fisI fall, with my pride and Dall.
Like a bomb before expB7losion,
Ticking by your cEall.
You're the wAiser one, disguised from gEreed,
And I'm just a fischild who belongs on her Dknees.   E 

But DI found a boy who CisI love more,
Than fisI ever did you before,
So sDtand beside the riCisver I cried,
And fislet yourself dDown.     b   

Look how you want me now that I don't need Ayou.      E 
So, you thAought that I would crumble to my knEees
At the first sifisght of you, crawling back to Dme
To wEhisper 'will you lfiseave your man?'
Cause you sweared that Dthis time you can staEnd by me.    A 
I won't stand by Eyou.

But DI found a boy who CisI love more,
Than fisI ever did you before,
So sDtand beside the river CisI cried,
And fislet yourself doDwn.      b   

Look how you want me now that I don't need yFou.
I ain't yours for no taking,d6    
You must be mistakenE 
I could never look in your eyes, and seAttle for wrong

And ignore the right

But DI found a boy who loCisves me more,
Than fisyou ever did before,
So staDnd beside the river you’Cisll cry,
And fislet yourself dDown.     b   
Look how you wAant me now that EI don't need yAou.

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