Big in Japan Alphaville

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Tonacja d
    44 ulubione
intro d | B | C | a |x2

d Winter's cityside,
B Crystal bits of snowflakes Call around my head and in the a wind
d I had no illusions,
B That I'd ever find Ca glimpse of summer's heatwaves in your Aeyes

d You did Bwhat you did to Cme,
Now it's a history, I Bsee
Here's my g comeback on the Aroad again
d Things will Bhappen while they Ccan
I will a wait here for my Bman tonight
It's g easy when you're Abig in Japan

Aah when you're big in d Japan - toBnight...
Big in JaCpan - be a tight...
Big in JaBpan... Ooh the g eastern sea's so Ablue
Big in Jad pan - alBright
Pay! - Then CI'll sleep by your a side
Things are Beasy when you're g big in JaApan
Oh when you're big in Jad pan

(d) B | C a | B g | A |x2

d Neon on my naked Bskin, passing silhouettes
Of Cstrange illuminated manneAquins
d Shall I stay here at the BZoo
Or should I go and change my Cpoint of view
For other uglyA scenes

d You did Bwhat you did to Cme,
Now it's a history, I-Bi-g i Asee
d Things will Bhappen while they Ccan
I will a wait here for my Bman tonight
It's g easy when you're Abig in Japan

Aah when you're big in d Japan - toBnight...
Big in JaCpan - be a tight...
Big in JaBpan... Ooh the g eastern sea's so Ablue
Big in Jad pan - alBright
Pay! - Then CI'll sleep by your a side
Things are Beasy when you're g big in JaApan

Aah when you're big in d Japan - toBnight...
Big in JaCpan - be a tight...
Big in JaBpan... Ooh the g eastern sea's so Ablue
Big in Jad pan - alBright
Pay! - Then CI'll sleep by your a side
Things are Beasy when you're g big in JaApan
Oh when you're big in Jad pan

(d) B | C a | B g | A

Aah when you're big in d Japan - toBnight...
Big in JaCpan - be a tight...
Big in JaBpan... Ooh the g eastern sea's so Ablue
Big in Jad pan - alBright
Pay! - Then CI'll sleep by your a side
Things are Beasy when you're g big in JaApan
Oh when you're big in Jad pan

(d) B | C a | B g | A (d)

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