In The End Amy Macdonald

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący Tonacja h
    1 ocena
a Wishing GI was drCeaming
a Wishing GI didn't knCow
a All the thGoughts I was thCinking
a I don't wGant to knCow

a EveryGone's always mCoving
a I'm standing stGill for all the tCime
a Thoughts that GI was lCiving
a Echoes iGn my mCind

a There's so much mGore that CI could bFe
a So many placGes that I'll nCever sFee
a So many livesG that I'll nCever mFeet
  I'll just dra eam until we gGet there in the eCnd

a Always thGinking 'bout tComorrow
a Before todGay is even thrCough
a Always thGinking 'bout the fCuture
a What on eGarth will happen Cto you?

a There's so much mGore that CI could Fbe
a So many placGes that I'll nCever sFee
a So many livesG that I'll nCever mFeet
  I'll just dra eam until we gGet there in the eCnd

  And if the wForld stops spinning
  Would I start moving hCome  G 
  And if the wForld stopped dreaming
  Would I stop belCieving in it aGll

a There's so much mGore that CI could Fbe
a So many placGes that I'll nCever sFee
a So many livesG that I'll nCever mFeet
  I'll just dra eam until we gGet there in the eCnd
  I'll just dra eam until we gGet there in the eCnd
  I'll just dra eam until we gGet there in the eFnd

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