Back to Black Amy Winehouse

Intro: d g B7 A7

d He left no time
To re-g gret
Kept his dick B7 wet
With his same old
Safe A7bet

d Me
And my head g high
And my tears B7 dry
Get on without A7my guy

d You went back
To what you g knew
So far B7 removed from
All that we went A7through

And d I tread
A troubled g track
My odds are B7 stacked
I'll go back A7to black

d We only said good-bye
With g words
I died a hundred times
B7 You go back to her
And A7I go back to...
(n.c) (d )
I go back to us

d I love you g much
It's not e-B7 nough
You love blow
And I A7love puff
And d life is like
g A pipe
And I'm a tiny B7 penny
Rolling up
The walls A7inside

d We only said good-bye
With g words
I died a hundred times.
B7 You go back to her
And A7I go back to...

d We only said good-bye,
With g words
I died a hundred times.
B7 You go back to her
And A7I go back to...

d Black
g Black
d Black
g Black
A7I go back to...
I go back to...

d We only said good-bye,
With g words
I died a hundred times
B7 You go back to her
And A7I go back to...
d We only said good-bye
With g words
I died a hundred time
B7 You go back to her
And A7I go back to...
d Black...

Oceń to opracowanie
Ocena czytelników: Niczego sobie 22 głosy
  • anonim
    Wszyscy Artyści to ćpuny
    · Zgłoś · 8 lat temu
  • 3EYE
    te są chyba najlepsze chwyty, ćpuna, ale też artystka, nie słucha się jej bo ćpa tylko dlatego że świetnie śpiewa.
    · Zgłoś · 15 lat temu
  • ...!!!*: EMOlka :*!!!...
    Amy Winehouse to ćpunka... nie lubie takich ludzi chociaż maja coś w sobie (ona pare fajnych piosenek) a tak ogólnie to dość dobra praca...:) pozdro dla Ciebie=D

    · Zgłoś · 16 lat temu