Wake me up Avicii

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    176 ulubionych
  • Tekst piosenki antek j.
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e C G D
e C G D

e Feeling mCy way through tGhe darknesDs
e Guided byC a beating Gheart     D 
e I can't tCell where the jGourney wilDl end
e But I knoCw where it Gstarts    D 
e They tellC me I'm too youGng to undeDrstand,
e They say CI'm caught Gup in a drDeam
e Well lifeC will pass me bGy if I donD't open up my eyes
e Well thatC's fine by Gme        D 

So wake me ue p when iCt's all Gover  D 
When I'm we iser aCnd I'mG older   D 
All thise time I wasC finding mysGelf, AndD I
e didn't kCnow I Gwas losDt

So wake me ue p when iCt's all Gover  D 
When I'm we iser aCnd I'mG older   D 
All thise time I wasC finding mysGelf, AndD I
e didn't kCnow I Gwas losDt

e I tried cCarrying the weiGght of theD world
e But I onlCy have two Ghands     D 
e Hope I geCt the chance toG travel thDe world
e But I donC't have anyG plans    D 
e I wish thCat I could stayG forever tDhis young
e Not afraiCd to close Gmy eyes   D 
e Life's a Cgame made for eGveryone   D 
e And love Cis the prizGe         D 

So wake me ue p when iCt's all Gover  D 
When I'm we iser aCnd I'mG older   D 
All thise time I wasC finding mysGelf, AndD I
e didn't kCnow I Gwas losDt

So wake me ue p when iCt's all Gover  D 
When I'm we iser aCnd I'mG older   D 
All thise time I wasC finding mysGelf, AndD I
e didn't kCnow I Gwas losDt

e didn't kCnow I Gwas losDt
e didn't kCnow I Gwas losDt
e didn't kCnow I Gwas losDt
e C G D e

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