Whatever You Do Brandi Carlile

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni
If I dGon't owe you a Dfavor, you don't Gknow me
I dCon't believe we've Dever even mGet
If theere's a God in hDeaven you can shCow me
Then I gCuess I should admit I lost the bDet

There are mComents I could hDold you forGever
There are meoments that lDasted way too lCong
There are dGays when I chCange with the wDeather
To hCold you in place would be wrong

There's a rGoad left behCind me
That I would rDather not spGeak of
And a heard one ahDead of me tCoo
I lGove you, whatCever you dDo
But I got a lCife to live too

I nGever met a mDorning I could gGet through
With neothing on my brDeath to hold the nCight
And I nGever said I'm sCorry but I meDant to
I nCever met a coward I don't like

There are rCeasons why the bDody stays in mGotion
But at the meoment only dDemons come to mCine
There are dGays when I could wCalk into the Docean
With no one Celse but you to leave behind

There's a rGoad left behCind me
That I would rDather not spGeak of
And a heard one ahDead of me tCoo
I lGove you, whatCever you dDo
But I got a lCife to live too

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