My World Dawid Lewandowski

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Dawid Lewandowski
    3 oceny
Welcome ato my world.
It&rsFquo;s a small world.
I&rsCquo;m there, and fame.
I knoGw I’m selfish.
But noaw everyone is fighting for its future.
So oFnly I’m there.
There Cis no place for the weak.
You wGill not find help here.
I doa everything for themselves.
I dance Ffor myself and I sleep.
Please forgCive.
Please forgGive.
Otherwise aI can’t.
I fear that you can ruin my world.     F 
I have everything arranged.    C 
You are here unnecessary.  G 
I caan’t trust.
ForgFet me.
ForCget me..
ForgetG... me...C 

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