Let You Down Dawid Podsiadło

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący Tonacja d
    40 ulubionych
Zwrotka 1
Feel the drythm of the streets
Neon alights and neon dreams
Bloody Cfists they feel no pain
When there’s Gso much more to gain
Hunting dseason if you will
Tell me awhere you'd rather be
I can Chardly see the moon
Hope we'll Gget there pretty soon

dTrying so hard to release
You're aout of the misery
CHold on to your wishes
If you Gcan't hold on to me

Forgive me for dletting you down
Forgive me for aletting you down again
I guess I'm not Cstrong enough
Right Gnow

Zwrotka 2
They will dfinally feel the flames
Flames that arun down through my veins
I will Cmake the city burn
We're not Gplanning to return

dTrying so hard to be free
To amake you see what I see
CHold on to your wishes
If you Gcan't hold on to me

Forgive me for dletting you down
Forgive me for aletting you down again
I guess I'm not Cstrong enough
Right Gnow
Forgive me for dletting you down
Forgive me for aletting you down again
I guess I'm not Cstrong enough
Right Gnow

Oh, my dlove, alove, Cloved 
Oh, alet you down
Oh, Clet you down
GLet you down
Oh, dlet you down

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