Half a man Dean Lewis

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    14 ulubionych
I was Fwrong to say I Cloved her
I was a wrong to Gthink I'm right
But Fwhen I told her Cit was over
My Gdarling I had lied
I've Fbeen running from Cmy demons
a Afraid to look Gbehind
I've Fbeen running fromC myself
Afraid ofG what I'd find

But how am I supposed to lof ve you

When I don't love who I a am
And how can I give you Call of me
When I'm only half a Gman
'Cause I'm a sinking ship that'sf burning
So let go of my a hand
And how can I give you Call of me
When I'm only half a Gman

And now FI'm stuck in this Chotel room
By a cold neon Glight
I've been Fwaiting for an Canswer
But it Gdon't come tonight
And every Fbottle I had Cstolen
It laid a shattered on the Gfloor
What's Fbroken can't be Cwhole, Ganymore

But how am I supposed to lof ve you
When I don't love who I a am
And how can I give you Call of me
When I'm only half a Gman
'Cause I'm a sinking ship that'sf burning
So let go of my a hand
And how can I give you Call of me
When I'm only half a Gman

f No a one Ccan ever Ghurt me
Like f I hurt a myself
I'm Cmade out of Gstone
Af nd I'm a beyond help
Don't Cgive your Gheart to Fme  C    G  G 

But how am I supposed to lof ve you
When I don't love who I a am
And how can I give you Call of me
When I'm only half a Gman
'Cause I'm a sinking ship that'sf burning
So let go of my a hand
And how can I give you Call of me
When I'm only half a Gman

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