Arcade Duncan Laurence

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni
    171 ulubionych
FOoh-ooh-Gooh, e ooh-ooh, Fooh-ooh
FOoh-ooh-Gooh, e ooh-ooh, Fooh-ooh

[Zwrotka 1]
A brFoken Gheart is e all that's Fleft
FI'm still Gfixing e all the Fcracks
FLost a Gcouple of e pieces F7+ when 
I cFarried it, Gcarried it, e carried it Fhome
FI'm afrGaid of e all I Fam
My Fmind feels Glike a e foreign Fland
FSilence Gringing insie de my F7+ head 
Please, Fcarry me, Gcarry me, e carry me Fhome

FI spent all of the Glove I've saved
a We were always a lGosing game
FSmall-town boy in a Gbig arcade
d I got addicted to a losing game

a OohG, CooFh
All I a know, all I Gknow
FLoving you is a losing game

[Zwrotka 2]
FHow many Gpennies e in the sFlot?
FGiving us Gup didn't e take a Flot
FI saw the Gend 'fore e it begF7+ un   
Still I cFarried, I Gcarried, I e carry Fon

a OohG, CooFh
All I a know, all I Gknow
FLoving you is a losing game
a OohG, CooFh
All I ka now, all I Gknow
FLoving you is a losing game

d I don't need your gCames, game oveGr
CGet me off this C/ErollercoastFer


Ooh, ooh

All I know, all I know

Loving you is a losing game
d Oohe , oFohG 
All I a know, all I Gknow
FLoving you is a losing game

FOoh-ooh-Gooh, e ooh-ooh, Fooh-ooh
FOoh-ooh-Gooh, e ooh-ooh, Fooh-ooh

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Ocena czytelników: Niczego sobie 15 głosów

Informacje o Piosence

Singiel niderlandzkiego piosenkarza Duncana Laurence’a. Zwycięski utwór 64. Konkursu Piosenki Eurowizji w Tel Awiwie. 29 listopada 2020 na Eurowizji Junior 2020, Laurence wykonał ten utwór w duecie z Roksaną Węgiel i Viki Gabor.

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