Don't Be Cruel Elvis Presley

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący Tonacja D
    3 ulubione
Wstęp: D | D | D | D

DYou know I can be found,
DSitting home all alone,
If Gyou can't come around,
At Dleast please telephone.
Don't be ecruelA  to a heart that's tDrue.

DBaby, if I made you mad
DFor something I might have said,
GPlease, let's forget the past,
The Dfuture looks bright ahead,
Don't be ecruelA  to a heart that's tDrue. D7  

Refren 1:
I dGon't want no other Alove,
GBaby it's just Ayou I'm thinking Dof.

DDon't stop thinking of me,
DDon't make me feel this way,
Come Gon over here and love me,
You Dknow what I want you to say.
Don't be ecruelA  to a heart that's tDrue. D7  

Refren 2:
Why Gshould we be aApart?
I Greally love you Ababy, cross my Dheart.

DLet's walk up to the preacher
DAnd let us say I do,
Then Gyou'll know you'll have me,
And ID'll know that I'll have you,
Don't be ecruelA  to a heart that's tDrue. D7  

Refren 1:
I dGon't want no other lAove,
GBaby it's just Ayou I'm thinking Dof.

Don't be ecruelA  to a heart that's tDrue..
Don't be ecruelA  to a heart that's tDrue.. D7  

Refren 1:
I doGn't want no other lAove,
GBaby it's just Ayou I'm thinking Dof.

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Ocena czytelników: Fatalny+ 2 głosy
  • Anonimowy Użytkownik
    Leśny Dziad
    You know I can be found,
    sitting home all alone,
    If you can't come around,
    at least please telephone.
    Em A D
    Don't be cruel to a heart that's true

    · Zgłoś · 8 lat
  • Alex
    szkoda,że nigdzie nie ma tłumaczenia...

    · Zgłoś · 16 lat
  • Anonimowy Użytkownik
    wow! supee piosenka

    · Zgłoś · 17 lat