My Mother Told Me Gingertail

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    27 ulubionych
a F
G a
a F
a G a

a F
G a
a F
a e a
a e a

aMy mother Ftold me
GSomeday I willa buy
aGalleys with goodF oars
aSail to Gdistant ashores

aStand up on the Fprow
GNoble barque Ia steer
aSteady course to the Fhaven
aHew emany afoe-men
aHew emany afoe-men

aMy mother Ftold me
GSomeday I willa buy
aGalleys with goodF oars
aSail to Gdistant ashores

aStand up on the Fprow
GNoble barque Ia steer
aSteady course to the Fhaven
aHew emany afoe-men
aHew emany afoe-men

aMy mother Ftold me
GSomeday I willa buy
aGalleys with goodF oars
aSail to Gdistant ashores

aStand up on the Fprow
GNoble barque Ia steer
aSteady course to the Fhaven
aHew emany afoe-men
aHew emany afoe-men

aMy mother Ftold me
GSomeday I willa buy
aGalleys with goodF oars
aSail to Gdistant ashores

aStand up on the Fprow
GNoble barque Ia steer
aSteady course to the Fhaven
aHew emany afoe-men
aHew emany afoe-men

aMy mother Ftold me
GSomeday I willa buy
aGalleys with goodF oars
aSail to Gdistant ashores

aStand up on the Fprow
GNoble barque Ia steer
aSteady course to the Fhaven
aHew emany afoe-men
aHew emany afoe-men

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Ocena czytelników: Słaby 1 głos

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