Go Go Dolls Iris

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Paweł
    83 ulubione
AnDd I'd give up foreve er to toucGh you
'Cause Ih know thAat you feeGl me somehow
You're Dthe close est to heaGven that I'll ever be
And I hdon't wanAt to go homGe right now

And aDll I cae n taste is Gthis moment
Andh all I canA breathe is yoGur life
And Dsooner oe r later Git's over
I justh don't Awant to miss yoGu tonight

And Ih don't want Athe world tGo see me
'Cause Ih don't tAhinGk that they'd understand
When ehverythAing's madGe to be broken
I justh want yAou to know wGho I am

AnDd you can't fighte the tears Gthat ain't coming
Or theh momentA  of truthG in your lies
WhenD everything Afeels like Gthe movies
Yeah,  you hbleed Ajust to knowG you're alive

And Ih don't wantA the world tGo see me
'Cause Ih don't tAhinGk that they'd understand
When ehverythAing's madGe to be broken
I justh want yAou to know wGho I am

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