Toss a coin to your Whitcher Jaskier

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni
    41 ulubionych
 a _ When a humble Dbard
 Graced a ride d along
 With Geralt of GRivia
 Along came this  Dsong_GE 

[Zwrotka 2]
a _ From when the White Wolf Dfought
 A silver-tongued d devil
 His army of Gelves
 At his hooves did they rDevel_GE 

[Zwrotka 3]
a _ They came after Dme
 With masterful deFceit
 Broke down my Glute
 And they Ekicked in my a teeth

[Zwrotka 4]
a _ While the devil’s Dhorns
 Minced our tender Fmeat
 And so cried the GWitcher
 He can’t be bleat E 

a _ Toss a Ecoin to your CWitcher
 O’ d Valley of Plena ty
 O’ d Valley of Plena ty

a _ Toss a Ecoin to Your CWitcher
 O’ d Valley of EPlenty E7  

[Zwrotka 5]
a _ At the edge of the Dworld
 Fight the mighty d horde
 That bashes and Gbreaks you
 And brings you to DmournG__E 

[Zwrotka 6]
a _ He thrust every Delf
 Far back on the d shelf
 High up on the Gmountain
 From whence it DcameG__E 

[Zwrotka 7]
a _ He wiped out your Dpest
 Got kicked in his Fchest
 He’s a friend of humaGnity
 So Egive him the a rest

[Zwrotka 8]
a _ That’s my epic Dtale
 Our champion preFvailed
 Defeated the Gvillain
 Now pour him some ale E 

[Refren 2]
a _ Toss a Ecoin to your CWitcher
 O’ d Valley of Plena ty
 O’ d Valley of Plena ty

a _ Toss a Ecoin to your CWitcher
 A d friend of EhumanityE7  

[Refren 3]
a _ Toss a Ecoin to your CWitcher
 O’ d Valley of Plena ty
 O’ d Valley of Plena ty

a _ Toss a Ecoin to your CWitcher
 A d friend of EhumanityE7  

[Refren 4]
a _ Toss a Ecoin to your CWitcher
 O’ d Valley of Plena ty
 O’ d Valley of Plena ty

a _ Toss a Ecoin to your CWitcher
 A d friend of EhumanityE7  

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