Lonely Justin Bieber

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni
    42 ulubione
FEverybody knows my name now
e But something 'bout it still feels strange
a Like looking in the mirror, tryna steady yourself and seeing somebody else
FAnd everything is not the same now
e It feels like all our lives have changed
a Maybe when I'm older, it'll all calm down, but it's killing me now

FWhat if you had it Gall but nobody to e call?
Maybe then you'd Fknow me
F'Cause I've had everGything
But no one's listene ing
And that's just fucking Flonely
I'm so Flo-o-o-oneGly
e Lo-o-o-oneFly

FEverybody knows my past now
e Like my house was always made of glass
a And maybe that's the price you pay, for the money and fame at an early age
FAnd everybody saw me sick
e And it felt like no one gave a shit
a They criticized the things I did, as an idiot kid

FWhat if you had it Gall but nobody to e call?
Maybe then you'd Fknow me
F'Cause I've had everyGthing
But no one's listene ing
And that's just fucking Flonely

I'm so Flo-o-o-oneGly
e Lo-o-o-oneFly
I'm so Flo-o-o-oneGly
e Lo-o-o-oneFly

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