All I Want Kodaline

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    219 ulubionych
ACll I want is nothiFng moCre
CTo hear you knocking aGt my doaor
Cause' if FI could see your face once mCore
I couldd die a happy man I'm sCure

CWhen you said your lasFt goodbyCe
CI died a little bitG insidae
I layF in tears in bed all nigCht
AFlone without you by my siCde

But if you loaved me
Why'd you leFave me?
Take my bCody
Take my bGody
All I waant is
And all I Fneed is
To find somCebody
I'll find sGomebody

Like yoCuu, ohFhhh, Cohh
oChhh, ohehh, aoohh
yoFuuu uuCu
LiFke youCuu

CSee you brought out the bFest of mCe
CA part of me I've Gnever seaen
You toFok my soul and wiped itC clean
Our loFve was made for movie sCcreens

But if you laoved me
Why'd you lFeave me?
Take my bCody
Take my Gbody
All I waant is
And all I Fneed is
To find soCmebody
I'll find soGmebody

If you lovead me
Why'd you lFeave me?
Take my bCody
Take my bGody
All I waant is
And all I Fneed is
To find soCmebody
I'll find sGomebody
Like YCou   F    C 

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