Suburban Sprawl & Alcohol L.P.

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę floem
    1 ulubiony
CSuburban sprawl ae nd alcohol

Aa nd what's the use in anythiFng at all
When you cCan't remember and ye ou can't forget
And ya ou want to change
But yFou haven't yet and

We aCll turn bae ck in the ea nd

CI couldn't wait te o get away
Froa m all the thingFs I love to hate
Like thCe kitchen table e and the sewing room
When it wa as finally over
It wFas too soon and . . .

We aCll turn bae ck in the ea nd

CSuburban Sprawl ae nd alcohol
And whaa t's the use in anythFing at all when . . .

We aCll turn be ack in the ea nd

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