The Zoo That Has No Keeper (Fabryka małp) Lady Pank

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Julka
    1 ulubiony
A fis A fis
A fis A fis

E My throat is Hbare, gis7there's a Asense of danger
E I feel a Hhand, gis7and the Ahand is strange
E The hand is Hdead, gis7red Ablood on my hand
E And as you Hdie, gis7I don't Afeel your pain.

E Where am I Hnow? What is this gis7crowd
Of creatures Aall around Hme?
E What can I Hdo inside the gis7zoo
The zoo that Ahas no keeHper?

E The dogs of Hwar gis7score and Areassemble;
E Their fangs go Hdeep, gis7sleep is Ablind to pain.
E I feel their Hbreath, gis7death is Ano stranger;
E The vulture Hsoars, gis7claws tear Aout my eyes.

E Where am I Hnow? What is this gis7crowd
Of creatures Aall around Hme?
E What can I Hdo inside the gis7zoo
The zoo that Ahas no keeHper? No keeper, has no keeper

E There's no way out of this jcisungle
E Just no way out of this jcisungle.
E Jcisungle
E Jcisungle

E cis E cis E

A fis A fis
A fis A fis
A fis A fis
A fis A fis

E Outside my Hdoor gis7four mAen are waiting;
E They have the Hsame gis7names, but Ano one knows;
E The light goes Hout, gis7I shout, but Ano one hears me;
E I feel a Hhand, gis7and the Ahand is strange.

E Where am I Hnow? What is this gis7crowd
Of creatures Aall around Hme?
E What can I Hdo inside the gis7zoo
The zoo that Ahas no keeHper?

E Where am I Hnow? What is this gis7crowd
Of creatures Aall around Hme?
E What can I Hdo inside the gis7zoo
The zoo that Ahas no keeHper?

E H gis7 A H
E H gis7 A H
E H gis7 A H
E H gis7 A H

Oceń to opracowanie
Ocena czytelników: Niczego sobie 1 głos