Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd Lana Del Rey

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    15 ulubionych
Intro: C C C C C C C C C

Zwrotka I:
Did you know that there's a Ctunnel under Ocean aBoulevard?///a///C
Mosaic Cceilings, painted atiles on the awall///C
I can't help but Cfeel somewhat like my abody, mind, my asoul///C
Hand-made Cbeauty sealed up aby two man-made awalls and I'm Flike

CWhen's it gonna be my Gturn?///G///F
CWhen's it gonna be my Gturn?///G
Open me Fup, tell me you like Cit
Fuck me to Gdeath, love me duntil I love myFself
There's a Ctunnel under Ocean GBoulevard///G///F
There's a Ctunnеl under Ocean GBoulevard///G///C

Zwrotka II:
Thеre's a Cgirl that sings "Hotel aCaliforania"///C
Not because she Cloves the notes or asounds that sound like aFlorida///C
It's beCcause she's in a world preaserved, only a few have afound the door///C
It's like Camarillo, Conly silver mirrors running adown the corridora, oh, man///F

CWhen's it gonna be my Gturn?///G
Don't forFget me
CWhen's it gonna be my Gturn?///G
Open me Fup, tell me you Clike me
Fuck me to Gdeath, love me duntil I love myFself
There's a Ctunnel under Ocean GBoulevard///G
Don't forFget me
There's a Ctunnel under Ocean GBoulevard///G///C

Zwrotka III:
Harry CNilsson has a song, ahis voice breaks at 2:a05///C
Something Cabout the way he says "Don't foraget me" makes me afeel like///C
I just Cwish I had a friend like ahim, someone to give ame five///C
Leanin' in my Cback, whisperin' in my ear, "aCome on, baby, you can adrive," but I Fcan't

CWhen's it gonna be my Gturn?///G
Don't forFget me
CWhen's it gonna be my Gturn?///G
Open me Fup, tell me you like Cit
Fuck me to deatGh, love me duntil I love myFself
There's a Ctunnel under Ocean GBoulevard///G

Łącznik (Bridge):
Don't forFget me
At the Ctunnel under Ocean GBoulevard///G
Don't forFget me
At the Ctunnel under Ocean GBoulevard///G
Don't forFget me
At the Ctunnel under Ocean GBoulevard///G///F///C///G///G

Don't forFget me///C///G
Don't forFget me///C///G
No, Gdon't, don't
forFget me///G///G
CDon't you, don't
you forFget me///F///F///F

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