Sad girl Lana Del Rey

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni
    24 ulubione
d x2 G 
d Being a mistress on the Gside  d   
It might not appeal to fools Glike you   d   
We've been around on the Gside    d   
Wanna be something yoGu would do

But you haven't g seen my man
You haven't sa een my man
You haven't g seen my man
You haven't Aseen him

He's got theB fireC andd he walks with famCe
He's got thB e fireC and d he talks with famCe
His Bonnie on the B side, Bonnie on the a side
Makes me g so sad, girlF 
His money on theB side, money on the a side
Makes me g so sad, girlF 

I'm a sad gd irl

I'm a sad girl
I'm Ca sad gB irl
I'm a sCad gd irl

I'm a sad girl
I'm Ca bad B girl  C 

d Being a bad bitch on the sGide  d   
It  might not appeal to Gfools like you   d   
We've been around when he gets hGigh     d   
It might not be something you wouldG do

But you haven't g seen my man
You haven't sa een my man
You haven't g seen my man
You haven't Aseen him

He's got theB fireC andd he walks with famCe
He's got thB e fireC and d he talks with famCe
His Bonnie on the B side, Bonnie on the a side
Makes me g so sad, girlF 
His money on theB side, money on the a side
Makes me g so sad, girlF 

I'm a sad gd irl

I'm a sad girl
I'm Ca sad gB irl
I'm a sCad gd irl

I'm a sad girl
I'm Ca bad B girl  C 

FWatch what you say c to me
Careful who you're talking tFo
Watch what you say tc o me
Careful who you're talking Fto
I'm on fc ire, babFy
I'm on fd ire C 

He's got theB fireC andd he walks with famCe
He's got thB e fireC and d he talks with famCe
His Bonnie on the B side, Bonnie on the a side
Makes me so g sad, girlF 
His money on theB side, money on the a side
Makes me so g sad, girlF 

I'm a sad girl...

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