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Crawling Linkin Park

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Gepuś
    37 ulubionych
ECrawling in my Cskin
These Gwounds they will not Dheal
EFear is how I Cfall
ConfGusing what is Dreal

e There's something inside me that Cpulls beneath the surface
GConsuming, Dconfusing
e This lack of self-control I Cfear is never ending
DHow I can't seem
CTo find myself Dagain
My walls are closing e in

(Without a sense of confidence I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
CI've felt this way Dbefore
ESo insecure!!

ECrawling in my Cskin
These Gwounds they will not Dheal
EFear is how I Cfall
ConfGusing what is Dreal

e Discomfort, endlessly has Cpulled itself upon me
GDistracting, Dreacting
e Against my will I stand Cbeside my own reflection
GIt's haunting Dhow I can't seem
CTo find myself Dagain
My walls are closing e in

(Without a sense of confidence I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
CI've felt this way Dbefore
ESo insecure!!

ECrawling in my Cskin
These Gwounds they will not Dheal
EFear is how I Cfall
ConfGusing what is Dreal

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Ocena czytelników: Dobry 8 głosów
  • aguniec
    czy mógłby ktoś podac bicie ? :D
    · Zgłoś · 13 lat temu
  • Ulka
    Zagrałam trochę wolniej, mniej rockowo, i też wyszło całkiem przyzwoicie ;)
    · Zgłoś · 14 lat temu
  • Kinga Xx
    Genialne chwyty;d pozdro;d
    · Zgłoś · 14 lat temu