Free Bird Lynyrd Skynyrd

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni
    13 ulubionych
G D e F C D G D e F C D

GIf I Dleave here tomeorrow
FWould you Cstill remember Dme?
GFor I must Dbe travelling one, now,
F'Cause there's too many Cplaces I've got to Dsee.
GBut, if I Dstayed here with eyou, girl,
FThings just Ccouldn't be the Dsame.
G'Cause I'm as Dfree as a bired now,
FAnd this Cbird you can not Dchange.
FAnd this Cbird you can not Dchange
FAnd this Cbird you can not Dchange
FLord Cknows, I can't Dchange.

G D e F C D G D e F C D

GBye, Dbye, its been a sweeet love.
Fthough this Cfeeling I can't Dchange.
GBut please don't Dtake it so baedly,
F'Cause Lord Cknows I'm to Dblame.   G 
GBut, if I Dstayed here with you egirl,
FThings just Ccouldn't be the Dsame.
GCause I'm as Dfree as a bird enow,
FAnd this Cbird you can not cDhange.
FAnd this Cbird you can not Dchange.
FAnd this Cbird you'll never Dchange
FLord Cknows, I can't Dchange.
FLord Chelp me, I can't Dchange.
BLord I can't Cchange
Won't you Gfly Bhigh Cfree bird

G B C do końca solówki

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