Little Lion Man Mumford and Sons

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę yaro753
    26 ulubionych
Capo na 5 progu

a C x4

Verse 1:
a Weep for yourself, my man,
Cyou'll never be what is in your heart.
a Weep little lion man,
Cyou're not as brave as you were at the start.
GRate yourself and rape yourself,
FtaF7+ ke allC the courage you have left.
GWasted on fixing all the
FprF7+ oblemsC that you made in your own head.
Chorus: (Sustain C chord)
a ButF iCt was not your fault but mine,
a andF iCt was your heart on the line.
a I rFeaClly fucked it up this time,
Gdidn't I, my dear?
a Didn't I, my dear?

a C x2

Verse 2:
a Tremble for yourself my man,
Cyou know that you have seen this all before.
a Tremble little lion man,
Cyou'll never settle any of your scores.
GYour grace is wasted in your face,
FyoF7+ ur bolCdness stands alone among the wreck.
GLearn from your mother or else
FspF7+ end yoCur days biting your own neck.

a ButF iCt was not your fault but mine,
a andF iCt was your heart on the line.
a I rFeaClly fucked it up this time,
Gdidn't I, my dear?
a ButF iCt was not your fault but mine,
a andF iCt was your heart on the line.
a I rFeaClly fucked it up this time,
Gdidn't I, my dear?
a Didn't I, my dear?
a C x2

G(SCinFg [x8]"aaah"s times 3-8)

Am (Mute) C
But it was not your fault but mine,
a andF iCt was your heart on the line.
a I rFeaClly fucked it up this time,
Gdidn't I, my dear?
Am (Mute)
But it was not your fault but mine,
and it was your heart on the line.
I really fucked it up this time,
didn't I, my dear?
CDidn't I, my dear?

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