Freedom Lika Shopping Cart NOFX
Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę
A ChristianFis
, an anarchist slash pG
rostitute fD
igures out the true meaningOf fr
, not freedom like AmG
erica, frD
eedom like a shopping cartKick ba
ck, no teE
nse, you gotta bB
ag of grub cost you about 50 ceD
ntsNo f
ear, no fuckin' feE
at, malt lB
iquor tastes much better on the sD
treetCrustin', a way of life for heroines and heroes who hitch hike the road
To Eden, not Eden like the garden state, Eden like the state of mind
Kick back, cheap thrills, you'll do anythin for a laugh even if it kills you
The bridge, you took it out, the ticket takers suddenly lost count
Sleeping under rE
ays, your teeth cCis
rumbling awD
aySay good
bye to all responsibiliE
ty, you never wanted it manA
Wasting tE
ime whenever you gG
et the chance which hD
appens to be all the timeKick back, free meals, a couple times a day you make a couple of shady deals
No work, no fuckin' pay, cardboard condominium by the bay
Between the red and black, you're never going back
Say goodbye to all responsibility, you never wanted it man
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