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The Ballad of Billy Reid Piosenki irlandzkich rebeliantów

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I'll Dsing you a song of a Gterribly wrong
When the Dflags they flew at half Amast
Of a Dman he lay dead he was Griddled with Dlead
And he died on the Astreets of BelDfast

Ref. All the Gradio said there's Danother Ashot Ddead
And he died with a gun in his Ahand
But they Ddidn't say why Billy GReid had to Ddie
For he died to Afree IreDland.

It Dhappened one day while the Gbold I.R.A
They went Dout to fight for our Aland
With an Dold Thompson gun, got the Gtroops on the Drun
And return to their Ahomes was their Dplan

Ref. All the Gradio said there's Danother Ashot Ddead
And he died with a gun in his Ahand
But they Ddidn't say why Billy GReid had to Ddie
For he died to Afree IreDland.

While retDurning the guns Billy Gmet British huns
And Dwhen the fight had beAgun
His poDsition was dire and the Ggun wouldn't Dfire
And he died with that Aold Thompson Dgun

Ref. All the Gradio said there's Danother Ashot Ddead
And he died with a gun in his Ahand
But they Ddidn't say why Billy GReid had to Ddie
For he died to Afree IreDland.

AlDthough he lay dead he was Gkicked in the head
By the Dhair they dragged him aAround
But they Dstill fear him, yet, they will Gnever forDget
How brave Billy AReid stood his Dground

Ref. All the Gradio said there's Danother Ashot Ddead
And he died with a gun in his Ahand
But they Ddidn't say why Billy GReid had to Ddie
For he died to Afree IreDland.

ostatnia zwrotka tylko śpiew

If you think he was wright come and join in the fight
And help to free Belfast
For the blood that he shed although he was dead
In our hearts his memory will last

Ref. All the Gradio said there's Danother Ashot Ddead
And he died with a gun in his Ahand
But they Ddidn't say why Billy GReid had to Ddie
For he died to Afree IreDland.

Ref. All the Gradio said there's Danother Ashot Ddead
And he died with a gun in his Ahand
But they Ddidn't say why Billy GReid had to Ddie
For he died to Afree IreDland.

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Najpopularniejsze piosenki Piosenki irlandzkich rebeliantów