Snow Red Hot Chili Peppers

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Kasia Melcher
    27 ulubionych
 e Come to decide that thCe things that I tried
    Were Gin my life just Dto get high on.
e   When I sit alone, Ccome, get a little known,
    GBut I need more than myDself this time.
    e Step from the road to the Csea to the sky,
    And I Gdo believe what Dwe rely on.
e   When I lay it on,C come, get to play it on, Gall my life to saDcrifice.


    e Hey oCh, [-]    G  listen Dwhat I e say, Coh.[-]  G  [-]  D 
    I got your, e hey oCh,  [-]  G    now listen Dwhat I e say, Coh. [-]  G  [-]  D 


   e When  will know that Creally can’t go
    To the Gwell one more time Dto decide on.
e   When it’s killing me, Cwhen will really see,
    GAll that I need to Dlook inside ?
    e Come to believe that I Cbetter not leave,
    BeGfore I get my Dchance to ride.
e   When it’s killing me, Cwhat do I really need,
    GAll that I need to Dlook inside ?


    e Hey oCh, [-]  G    listen Dwhat I e say, Coh.[-]  G  [-]  D 
    Come back and, e hey Coh, [-]  G      look at Dwhat I e say, Coh. [-]  G  [-]  D 


The Cmore I see, the less I know,
The a more I like to let it go, e hey Coh, oh oh oh.

GDeep beneath the cover of anDother perfect wonder,
Where it’s a so white as snow.
GPrivately divided by a Dworld so undecided,
And there’s a nowhere to go.
GIn between the cover of anDother perfect wonder,
Where it’s a so white as snow.
GRunning through the field where all my Dtracks will be concealed,
And there’s a nowhere to go.


e - C - G - D
e - C - G - D


   e When to descend to Camend for a friend,
    All the Gchannels that have Dbroken down.
e   Now you bring it up, CI’m gonna ring it up,
    GJust to hear you Dsing it out.
    e Step from the road to the Csea to the sky,

    And I Gdo believe what Dwe rely on.
e   When I lay it on, Ccome, get to play it on, Gall my life to saDcrifice.


    e Hey oCh, [-]  G    listen Dwhat I e say, Coh.[-]  G  [-]  D 
    I got your, e hey Coh, [-]  G     listen Dwhat I e say, Coh. [-]  G  [-]  D 


    The Cmore I see, the less I know,
    The a more I like to let it go, e hey Coh, oh oh oh.

GDeep beneath the cover of aDnother perfect wonder,
Where it’s a so white as snow.
GPrivately divided by a Dworld so undecided,
And there’s a nowhere to go.
GIn between the cover of Danother perfect wonder,
Where it’s a so white as snow.
GRunning through the field where all my Dtracks will be concealed,
And there’s a nowhere to go.


    I said, Ghey, hey Dyeah, oh a yeah, tell my love now !
    GHey, hey Dyeah, oh a yeah, tell my love now !

    I said, Ghey, oh Dyeah, oh a yeah, tell my love now !
    GHey, hey Dyeah, oh a yeah.


G - D - a
G - D - a

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