Sailing Rod Stewart

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni
    96 ulubionych
A fis A fis E

I am Asailing, I am fissailing home aDgain 'cross the Asea
I am H7sailing stormy fiswaters to be hnear you, to be Afree E 
A fi D A
I am flying, I am flying like a bird 'cross the sky
I am H7flying, passing fishigh clouds, to be hwith you, to be Afree E 
Can you Ahear me, can you fishear me through the Ddark night, far aAway
I am H7dying, forever fistrying to be hwith you, who can Asay E 
Can you Ahear me, can you fishear me through the Ddark night, far aAway
I am H7dying, forever fistrying to be hwith you, who can Asay E 
E D fis E fis D fis E E7

We are Asailing, we are fissailing home aDgain 'cross the Asea
We are sH7ailing stormy fiswaters to be hnear you, to be Afree
EOh, Lord, to be hnear you, to be Afree
EOh, Lord, to be hnear you, to be Afree
EOh, Lord, to be hnear you, to be Afree
EOh, Lord,   D  A  E    A  fis    D  A     H7   fis    h  A  E 

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    Pieśń piękna, chwyty pasują, można fajnie zagrać na strunach A G H, idealna na podróże (nie polecam brać gitary na statek)

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