Lay Me Down Sam Smith

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  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni
    7 ulubionych
EYes, I do, I believe
That one day I will be whereE I was
Right there, right next to you  A 

And it's hard, the days just seem so dark
The moon and theA stars are nothing without you

EYour touch, your skin,where do I begin?
No words cEan explain the way I’m missing you
AThe night, this emptiness, this hole that I’m inside
AThese tears, they tell their own story

fisYou told me not to crAy when you were goEne  H 
fisBut the feelings oveArwhelming, it's much too stronEg  H 

Can IE lay by your sciside, next to yfisou, yAou
And mEake sure you’re alrightcis?  
I’ll take care ofisf you,
AAnd I don’t want to be here if IH can’t be with you toniEght

EI’m reaching out to you
Can you hear my Acall?
EThis hurt that I’ve been through
EI’m missing you, I'm missing you like cArazy, you

Can EI lay by your sciside, next tofis you, Ayou
And mEake sure you’re alrigcisht?
I’ll take care ofisf you,
AAnd I don’t wanna be here if HI can’t be with you tonifisght     A 

fisLay me doAwn tonigDhth,    fislay me Aby your sDideh 
fisLay me dAown tonighDt,h    fislay me Aby your sDideh 

ECan I lay by your sciside, next to fisyou, yAou?

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