Only you Savage

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    44 ulubione
Only ayou,
When I Freally got nothing toG do,
Can't be Ctrue.
Only ayou,
When I'm Flooking for somebody Gnew,
You're the Cclue.

Only chaange my mind,
When I Ffeel so blind,
Then you dmake me see,
Love is Gfree.

Only ayou,
When I Flook at your eyes in the Gblue,
Love me Ctoo.
Only ayou,
When your Fteardrops are lit by the Gmoon,
Laugh too Csoon.

Only achange my mind,
When I Ffeel so blind,
Then you dmake me see,
Love is Gfree.

Don't Fpush me Gaside, my Clove's aalive,
Don't Fleave me to Gdie, you Cwill asurvive,
You Fhold me so Gtight, turn Coff the alight,
It all Fseems so right.  G 

Only ayou,
When I Freally got nothing to Gdo,
Can't be Ctrue.
Only ayou,
When I Flook at your eyes in the Gblue,
Love me Ctoo.

Only cahange my mind,
When I Ffeel so blind,
Then you dmake me see,
Love is Gfree.

FDon't puGsh me asidCe, my loave's alive,
Don't Fleave me to Gdie, you Cwill asurvive,
You Fhold me so Gtight, turn Coff the alight,
It all Fseems so right. /G3x

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