Snowman Sia

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    362 ulubione
Don't d cry snowman right in front of me
Who'Gll catch your tears if you can't catch me
If you can't catch me
a Darling

Don'td cry snowman don't leave me this way
A puGddle of water can't hold me close baCby
Can't hold me closea baby

I Ewant you to know that I'a m never leaving
CaGuse I'll miss the snow 'Ctill death will be freezing

YoEu are my home, my home fa or all seasons
SoF come onG let's go
LeCt's go below zero
And Ehide from the sun
I la ove you forever
WherFe we'll have some fun
Yes lCet's hit the North Pole and lEive happily
Please a don't cry no tears now it's FChristmas baby

My sCnowman and mEe   a yeah F 
My sCnowman and mEa    F 

Don'td cry snowman

Don't you fear the sun
Who'll Gcarry me without legs to run
Without legs to run
a Honey

Don't cd ry snowman
Don't you shed a tear
WhGo'll hear my secrets if you don't have ears
If you don't have ears
a Baby

IE want you to know that Ia 'm never leaving
CaGuse I'll miss the snow 'Ctill death has me freezing
YoEu are my home, my ha ome for a season
So Fcome onG let's go
LeCt's go below zero
And Ehide from the sun
I la ove you forever
AFnd we'll have some fun
Yes lCet's hit the North Pole and lEive happily
Please a don't cry no tears now it's FChristmas baby

My sCnowman and mEe   a yeah F 
My sCnowman and mEa     F 

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