Moment In The Sun Sunflower Bean

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Mateusz Lewicki
    1 ulubiony
[Zwrotka 1]

I Cwished for things I Cthought I loved
I Creached for stars, they Cset me up
They a do, they Fdo, oh, they Cdo
It's Craining gold, the Csky is black
Our Csummer's gone, I'll Clive with that
I a do, I Fdo, I Cdo


FEverything I've dreamed about is coming on
CTrade it for a moment in the sun
FAll that other noise is just a waste of time
CYou're the only music on my mind
GI don't need money, I don't need to be cool
I'd trFade it for a moment in the sun with yoCu

[Zwrotka 2]

CWinter, spring, Csummer, fall
A Cmoment's fine but I wannaC feel them ala
I wannFa feel them alCl


FEverything I've dreamed about is coming on
CTrade it for a moment in the sun
FAll that other noise is just a waste of time
CYou're the only music on my mind
GI don't need money, I don't need to be cool
I'd trFade it for a moment in the sun with a you
With Fyou, with Cyou, with a you  F    C 

FEverything I've dreamed about is coming on
CTrade it for a moment in the sun
FAll that other noise is just a waste of time
CYou're the only music on my mind
GI don't need money, I don't need to be cool
I'd trFade it for a moment in the sun with yoCu

GI don't need money, I don't need to be cool
I'd trFade it for a moment in the sun with yoCu

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