Eye of the tiger Survivor

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni Tonacja c
    38 ulubionych
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a  Risin' up, baFck on the street,
G  Did my time, took my a chances.
a Went the distance, now I'm baFck on my feet,
Just a mGan and his will to sura vive.

a So many times, it Fhappens too fast,
G  You change your passion for a glory
a Don't lose your grip on the Fdreams of the past,
You must fGight just to keep them ala ive:

GIt's ta he  d eye of the tiger, it's the tChrill of the figGht -
Rising d up to the challenge of our a ri - Gval.
And the ld ast known survivor stalks his pCrey in the nigGht,
And he's wd atching us ae7 ll with the Feye of the ta iger.


a Face to face, ouFt in the heat,
GHangin' tough, stayin' a hungry.
a They stack the odds, still we tFake to the street,
For we kGill with the skill to a survive.

GIt's a the d  eye of the tiger, it's the Cthrill of the fiGght -
Rising d up to the challenge of our a ri - Gval.
And the ld ast known survivor stalks his pCrey in the nigGht,
And he's wd atching us ae7 ll with the Feye of the ta iger.


a Risin' up, straiFght to the top,
GHad the guts, got the ga lory.
a Went the distance, now I'm not Fgonna stop,
Just a mGan and his will to sura vive.

GIt's ta he  d eye of the tiger, it's the tChrill of the figGht -
Rising d up to the challenge of our a ri - Gval.
And the ld ast known survivor stalks his pCrey in the nigGht,
And he's wd atching us ae7 ll with the Feye of the ta iger.

a G a
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The eye of the ta iger
a G a
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The eye of the ta iger
a G a
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The eye of the ta iger
a G a
a G a
a G F
The eye of the ta iger
a G a
a G a
a G F

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Ocena czytelników: Słaby 15 głosów
  • Paweł Kwiatkowski
    capo 3 próg duuużo łatwiej

    · Zgłoś · 10 miesięcy
  • ninja455
    chwyt Ab to inaczej Gis
    chwyt Eb to inaczej Es
    bardzo fajna piosenka ;D

    · Zgłoś · 12 lat
  • Anonimowy Użytkownik
    Super piosenka;));D Dobre tlumaczenie=] pozdrawiam x)

    · Zgłoś · 17 lat

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