It's nice to have a friend Taylor Swift

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę floem
    2 ulubione
School a bell rings, walk me home
SidewGalk chalk, covered in snow
Lost a my gloves, you gave me one
Wanna Ghang out? Yeah, sounds like fun
Videa o games, you pass me a note
Sleeping Gin tents
It's nice to have a a friend G 
It's nice to have a a friend G 

Light a pink sky, up on the roof
Sun sGinks down, no curfew
Twenty a questions, we tell the truth
You've beenG stressed out lately. Yeah, me too
Someta hing gave you the nerve
To touchG my hand
It's nice to have a a friend G 
It's nice to have a a friend G 

Church a bells ring, carry me home
Rice Gon the ground, looks like snow
Call a my bluff, call you babe
Have Gmy back, yeah, every day
Feels a like home, stay in bed
The whole Gweekend
It's nice to have a a friend G 
It's nice to have a a friend G 
It's nice to have a a friend G 

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