House Of The Rising Sun (Wersja ukulele) The Animals

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Intro: a C D F a E7 a E7



There a is a Chouse in DNew Orleans F 
They a call the CRisin' E7Sun  E7  
And it's a been the Cruin of Dmany a poor Fboy.
And a God, I E7know I'm a one.

C D F a E7 a E7

My a mother Cwas a Dtailor.     F 
She a sewed my Cnew blue E7jeans.E7  
My a father Cwas a Dgamblin' Fman
a Down in E7New Or-a leans.

C D F a E7 a E7

Now, the a only Cthing a Dgambler Fneeds
Is a a suitcase Cand a E7trunk  E7  
And the a only Ctime that Dhe's satis-Ffied
Is a when he's E7on a a drunk

C D F a E7 a E7

Oh, a Mother,C tell your Dchildren F 
Not to a do what CI have E7done.  E7  
a Spend your Clives in Dsin and misFery
In the a house of the E7risin' a sun.

C D F a E7 a E7

a Well, I've Cgot one Dfoot on the platFform.
the a other Cfoot on the E7train. E7  
I'm a goin' Cback to DNew Orleans F 
To a wear that E7ball and a chain.

C D F a E7 a E7

Well, there a is a Chouse in DNew Orleans F 
They a call the CRisin' E7Sun    E7  
And it's a been the Cruin of Dmany a poor Fboy.
And a God, I E7know I'm oa ne.

C D F a E7
a D a D a D

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