Highwayman The Highwaymen

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni Tonacja h
    12 ulubionych

hI was a Ahighwayman, along the Gcoach roads I didh ride
ASword and pGistol bDy my sAide
eMany a yhoung maid lost her bAaubles to my trGade
eMany a hsoldier shed his lAifeblood on my blGade
hThe bastards hAung me in the sprGing of twAenty fDive
hBut I am stGill alAive

hI was a Asailor, I was born upoGn the tide       h 
AWith the sGea I dDid abAide
eI sailedh a schooner round thAe horn to MexicGo
eI went ahloft and furled the Amain sail in a Gblow
hAnd when the yAards broke off thGey say thAat I gDot killed
hBut I am lGiving stAill

hI was a Adam builder, across a Griver deep and wihde
AWhere steel and wGater dDid collAide
eA place called Bhoulder on the wAild ColorGado
eI slipped and hfell into the wAet concrete belGow
hThey buried Ame in that gray Gtomb that kAnows no Dsound
hBut I am sGtill aAround

I'll always be arDound, and arD/C#ound, and arhound, and aAround, and aGround..D/F#.     e  G  A  D 

hI'll fly a stAarship across the Guniverse dihvide
AAnd when I rGeach the Dother sAide
eI'll find a phlace to rest my spAirit if I cGan
ePerhaps I mhay become a hAighwayman agGain
hOr I may sAimply be a sGingle drAop of rDain
hBut I wGill remAain

I'll always be arDound, and arD/C#ound, and arhound, and aAround, and aGround..D/F#.     e  G  A  D 

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