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The Loughall Ambush The Irish Brigade

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We've Dsung so many Asongs of fallen Dheroes
I Greally thought that AI had said it Dall
But if a Gsong can fill our Ahearts and raise our Dspirits, h   
Then I'll Gsing about our Amartyrs at DLoughgall,

the DIrish nation Abowed its head in Dsorrow
Such Gsadness as this Acountry's seldom Dknown
For GMonaghan has Alost a gallant Dsoldier
With Gseven VolunAteers from green DTyrone

Ref. Oh GEngland do you Areally think it's Dover?
If you Gdo you're going to Ahave to kill us Dall! (one and all!)
For unGtil you take your Amurderers out of DIreland, h   
we will Gmake them rue the Ablood spill at LoughDgall  A 

It was Don a warm and Amisty Friday Devening
The Gscent of apple Ablossom filled the Dair
That Gvillage street seemed Aquiet and deDserted, h   
But Ghidden eyes were Awatching everyDwhere  A 

And the Ddigger bomb had Aonly reached its Dtarget
The Gtrap was sprung and Agunfire filled the Dair
Well the GSAS did Anot want any Dprisoners, h   
Oh, "GShoot to kill!" their Aorders were quite Dclear

Ref. Oh GEngland do you Areally think it's Dover?
If you Gdo you're going to Ahave to kill us Dall! (one and all!)
For unGtil you take your Amurderers out of DIreland, h   
we will Gmake them rue the Ablood spill at LoughDgall  A 

Well, they Dbutchered eight brave Avolunteers that Devening
They were Gkicked and punched in Acase they were not Ddead
They Gdragged them up and Adown that Armagh Dvillage, h   
And Gfilled their bodies Afull of British Dlead  A 

Oh, did you Dthink that it would Ateach us all a Dlesson?
As such Gsavagery the Awhole world was apDpalled
Oh, don't you Gknow that there's Atwenty more men Dwaiting, h   
For Geveryone you Abutchered at LoughDgall

Ref. Oh GEngland do you Areally think it's Dover?
If you Gdo you're going to Ahave to kill us Dall! (one and all!)
For unGtil you take your Amurderers out of DIreland, h   
we will Gmake them rue the Ablood spill at LoughDgall  A 

So fareDwell to Paddy AKelly and Jim DLynagh
No Gmore you'll lead your Afighting unit Dforth
Side by Gside with Pádraig McAKearney and Tony DGormaley h   
You Gdied to drive the ABritish from the Dnorth A 

Declan DArthurs and the Ayouthful Seamus DDonnelly
On that Gnight you were the Ayoungest of them Dall
With Gerry O'GCallaghan and the Agallant Eugene DKelly h   
Oh, your Gblood still stains the Apavements at LoughDgall

Ref. Oh GEngland do you Areally think it's Dover?
If you Gdo you're going to Ahave to kill us Dall! (one and all!)
For unGtil you take your Amurderers out of DIreland, h   
we will Gmake them rue the Ablood spill at LoughDgall  A 

Ref. Oh GEngland do you Areally think it's Dover?
If you Gdo you're going to Ahave to kill us Dall! (one and all!)
For unGtil you take your Amurderers out of DIreland, h   
we will Gmake them rue the Ablood spill at LoughDgall  A 

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